Minecraft Crochet Block Series: Part 2 – Minecraft Chest Block Pattern

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Its time for another Minecraft block make!

Following on from my TNT block the next on my list was a chest, this one has a lot less colour changes than the TNT block which is always a bonus!. This block is the same size as the previous (17x17x17cm) and also uses half treble(UK)/half double(US) corner to corner crochet.


Previous Crochet Corner To Corner Minecraft Block Makes include:

TNT Minecraft Block, Emerald Ore Block, Magma Block, Chest Block, Redstone Ore Block, Diamond Ore Block, Pumpkin Head, Glass Block, Ghast Block, Axolotl Block.


Minecraft Crochet Corner To Corner Chest Block Pattern:

  • Size: 17x17cm.
  • Crochet hook used: 3.5mm hook.
  • DK wool.

Grid pattern to make your own is below, and a how to on half treble(UK)/half double(US) corner to corner crochet can be found here.  Once you have made the 6 sides sew the pieces together down the sides, you can use a piece of foam or stuffing to fill the cube.  If using a cube sew the pieces together around it, if your using stuffing sew all the sides together but leave a 10cm gap so you can then put the stuffing in then sew the gap closed.

Keep a look out for the next block – I don’t think it will be long until a few more appear!

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